Try The World Stories: A Foreign Policy Francophile

Try The World Stories: A Foreign Policy Francophile

Try The World is about exploring the world through food. It’s also about bringing people together and learning about new cultures. In this column, we showcase the amazing ways that you—our amazing community of fellow food lovers—use your box. This month, Try The World’s Dalanee Hester speaks to Samantha Schroeder, a former Francophile and newly converted Spainophile, who shares our obsession with Anthony Bourdain and an expertly curated pantry.


How did you hear about Try The World?

I learned about Try The World in a Huffington Post article. I love food, Anthony Bourdain, and France, so I was captured by the box. I’ve had fleur de sel finishing salt on homemade pasta once, and it was the greatest thing I’ve ever eaten, so I thought that I may be able to recreate that with the fleur de sel in the France Box!

What did you think when your France Box arrived?

I absolutely loved the box! I actually started a tradition called Francophile Fridays because I loved the experience I was able to create with the France Box. So on Francophile Fridays, I have a baguette and rosé sparkling wine, watch Amélie, listen to French music, and enjoy all of the foods from the Try The World box! Also, the boxes are so beautiful. I’ve saved all of them! And I love the stories behind the products. They all come from family-owned, sustainable, organic, or local companies, which makes me feel good while enjoying the products. 

What about the concept intrigued you?

I think the idea of allowing people to travel the world without leaving their home really appeals to me because after 3 years as a foreign policy professional, I still haven’t left the country! But I’m finally leaving the country for Italy next month for my first trip abroad! While I love the idea of traveling, price has always been a factor for me, so I was happy to have a taste of travel through Try The World.

How interesting! We’re glad to hear that you’re getting the opportunity to travel a little bit. Can you tell us about your day job as a foreign policy professional?

My day job is Director of External Affairs at the Foreign Policy Initiative. I’m in charge of events for the leadership program which is a network of foreign policy professionals between 25 and 40 years old in New York and Washington, D.C. I plan various events such as dinners, discussions, salons, and happy hours every year, and I absolutely love all the chaos that comes with event planning! Plus, I get to interact with people from all over the world. 

Working in foreign policy with such an international community must inspire you to travel!

Definitely! My father is a pilot, so we always went on domestic trips. There are embassies surrounding my apartment, I have friends from all over the world because I work in foreign policy, and amazingly, I was able to meet them through social media, without leaving the country. They have given me a lot of insight into other countries and cultures, and Try The World is doing the same thing, but through food, which is more delicious in my opinion.

What are some of your other interests?

I write a lot, specifically about arts and culture. I believe that beauty will save the world. Right now, D.C. is way too caught up in politics, and what brings people together is art, food, and culture. Anthony Bourdain said something like, “you can see an entire history of a people on one plate, in one dish,” and that’s so tru

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