Our Next Food Destination: Welcome to Morocco!

Our Next Food Destination: Welcome to Morocco!

Located at the crossroads between Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, Morocco is an incredible melting pot of the cultures that surround it.

Stepping foot onto Moroccan soil is an experience like no other: locals haggle with merchants in noisy, bustling souks while crowds surround snake charmers and their cobras nearby. Motor bikes zip through the labyrinth of winding alleyways. Just like its awe-inspiring landscape, Moroccan cuisine is rich and varied, with heavy influences from neighboring regions.

The Morocco Box, filled with a host of pantry staples, is the perfect glimpse into the delicious cuisine of this remarkable country.

What’s inside the Morocco box?

Filled with sweet and savory snacks, spices, and a host of other essentials, the Morocco Box includes everything you need to enjoy Morocco’s most favorite foods. Some of the products are harissa, couscous, and kefta spice mix.


About the curating chef, Mourad Lahlou

Curating chef Mourad Lahlou brings a taste of Morocco to your kitchen! With the the Culture Guide, it’s easy to cook up a traditional couscous or tagine, to creamy rice pudding. Born and raised in the ancient Medina of Marrakesh, Chef Mourad Lahlou moved to San Francisco in his 20s and quickly grew homesick for his native cuisine.

After teaching himself to recreate his favorite dishes, he transitioned into the life of a chef. Today, he’s the chef-owner of the Michelin-starred Aziza in San Francisco and the author of Mourad: New Moroccan. By partnering with Mourad, Try The World’s Morocco Box is your ticket to discovering the incredible cuisine of this country.

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