Lördagsgodis: The Best Kind of Saturday

Lördagsgodis: The Best Kind of Saturday

Swedish children love Saturdays because it’s traditionally the only day of the week that they are allowed to eat candy. Who knew it first came to be as an attempt to curb candy consumption! Learn all about the tradition here, then experience your own at home.

What is lördagsgodis?

Celebrated every Saturday, lördagsgodis is the only day of the week that Swedish children are allowed to eat candy. Even days before the weekend, children save up their allowance to spend on their favorites. As you might guess, Saturday is every child’s favorite day of the week.

Sweet tooth

Believe it or not, lördagsgodis actually stems from a study on dental health! Dentists and doctors wanted to limit the amount of sugar that Swedish children consumed to one day only. The rest is history!

A Swedish indulgence

Swedes have a serious sweet tooth—an average family of four can eat over two pounds of candy per week! They also eat the most bulk candy per capita in the world. True to this obsession, Swedish candy stores carry more types of candy than we can count, and every Swede knows their favorites.

A shopping adventure

Swedish candy stores are stocked from floor to ceiling with bins full of various kinds of candy. The best times to shop are in the early morning or late afternoon—kids rampage through the stores in the middle of the day, and most candy is sold out in the evening.

Lördagsgodis at home

Those craving to experience their own lördagsgodis experience can visit Sockerbit in New York City or Los Angeles. The stores offer mix-and-match bulk candies—over 140 types!—priced by weight, so you can buy your favorites just like a local Swede. Click here for more information.

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